Weather Policy
Lightning and Weather Delays
In the event the start of a practice is delayed due to weather, the coach/manager shall have the option of shortening the length of training to maintain the field schedule. The parents shall be notified prior to the start of the training if feasible.
In the case of lightning and unsafe field conditions in the event of a downpour, board members, coaches, managers must use the 30/30 rule (Go indoors if, after seeing lightning, you cannot count to 30 before hearing thunder. Stay indoors 30 minutes after hearing the last clap of thunder. If a building is not available, please seek shelter in a vehicle.) in regard to lightning and thunder. If you can hear thunder, then the lightning is close enough to strike. Get off of the field immediately and have the players go to their respective cars or a safe building. Coaches should inform players and parents of their whereabouts. When training has been stopped due to lightning, training cannot be restarted until 30 minutes has passed from the last seen lightning or clap of thunder.
Once notification is given to either delay, postpone or cancel a training session due to lightning, the player is no longer the responsibility of the club. It is your duty as a parent to ensure your child is safe and in a safe location. It is too much to ask the coach to coral an entire team into their vehicle. Therefore, once the announcement has been made to clear the fields due to weather the club will not be responsible of any incident thereafter.